
"May we have your permission to enter your house? I assure you, it's very important."

Young Dr. Caravelle scrambled to his feet and stepped off the platform, dragging his trunk with him.


"Why, yes - "Before he had time to complete the sentence the policemen boarded the platform. The light went out. The door into the shaft hissed open; the platform and its blue-clad load slid sideways into the shaft and began to rise. The door closed silently. The light came on.


The scientist looked around him. He was in a cel- lar which seemed to have no doors, being walled in what seemed like steel panels. He explored these pan- els, trying to find a way out but without success. Again, he went around the room, testing, pushing at projections, hoping to discover the secret; after all, the policemen had got in; so there must be a way out. But where?

With a soft sigh a panel slid open behind him. and there was Valerie, smiling at him.

"Quick! she commanded briskly. "If we don't hurry we might miss the fun! Grasping one handle of his trunk she motioned to him to take the other. To- gether they moved into the doorway through which she had come and found themselves in a small elevator. She pressed a button, and they glided upwards into the silent house next door.

They were just in time. Outside John Caravelle's house a black car had pulled up. Outside the doctor whom he had already met that afternoon stepped out and approached John's house firmly, carrying his black bag. Beside him a nurse, in uniform, stepped purpose- ly, followed almost immediately by the two ambulance men, who had driven up in the doctor's wake. While they and the nurse screened him from view, the doctor knocked loudly on Caravelle's front door and simul- taneously opened it with a shining new key. all went in, taking the stretcher with them.



Then they

In the